Apple first announced the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus in September 2014, matching its fall launch cycle adopted several years back. Cupertino is expected to use the same month to unveil the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus this year. September is the month set aside for the launch and a French carrier has today let slip that the launch will be on September 11th and the new smartphones will begin shipping on September 18th.
Thursday is the 11th and that makes plenty of sense as it is usually the day Apple uses to unveil new iPhones. The iPhone 6s and 6s Plus are going to be made available for pre-order in select nations that same day and will then begin shipping to consumers on the 18th. The rumored iPhone 6c is also expected to arrive during the event.
Last year Apple had its biggest launch cycle ever and the larger screened iPhone 6 range propelled the company to industry smashing records and sales of over 70 million.