It’s a good day for Sprint customers rocking one of Apple’s iPhone smartphones as the Now Network has announced that those owning Apple's smartphones will now get free Wi-Fi calling. The third largest carrier in the United States raised the curtain on a new feature that will be rolled out in an update to the iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 5s, and iPhone 5c during the next week.
Wi-Fi calling is an ideal alternative in situation where network coverage is low, or in rural areas where Wi-Fi tends to be stronger than airwave signals. Sprint users with the last four newest versions of the iPhone can now get a connection in any circumstance as long as Wi-Fi is available.
The good news is the Wi-Fi calling will not cost anything or work against any data plans or limits in place, while users of the iPhone will even be able to call internationally. Sprint is offering free international Wi-Fi calling on the iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 5s, and iPhone 5c to 200 countries around the world.
For Sprint’s update to work, you will need to have iOS 8.3 on your iPhone, the latest build of Apple's mobile operating system was launched today, so you will need to upgrade to that before taking the Sprint update. Take that Android and Windows Phone.