Apple’s iOS 8 has enjoyed solid adoption rates, much better than anything Android can dream of, but not as good as the uptake of iOS 8. The OS had found its way to 46% of all iOS devices within a few days of its release, but since then the growth has been slower. However, slow and steady has definitely been the iOS 8 way and Apple has announced that adoption levels are now at 72%.
Cupertino released its newest data that revealed 25% of users are still rocking iOS 7, while just 3% are still back on earlier builds (that are now obsolete in terms of updates).
Of course, Android and iOS have been locked in a long battle, but this is one area where Apple win hands down. For example, Android 5.0 Lollipop has been available since the start of November, but per Google’ latest data, Lollipop has only found its way to 1.6% of Android devices. That’s a number iOS 8 achieved more than twenty fold within days of release.
iOS 8 Soars, Reaches 70% Adoption